Tuesday, 4 January 2011

When Scammers Are Your Only Hope

You must have seen those ads that promise you a fortune for only a few hours of work at home. Like me you have probably been tempted to try them and like me you have probably decided not to get in touch with the advertiser because you suspect it’s some sort of scam. But that doesn’t stop us being curious about them, does it?I came across a blog today that lifts the lid on these ads. And if the blog is to be believed it’s really disappointing. Because all that happens when you reply to these ads is, apparently, that you get a list of companies who are hiring staff to work at home. A list that is often out of date or bogus.

That’s it. I had imagined something far more glamorous- still a rip off of course, but a glamorous rip off. Something that involved placing bets on red hot tips, or unearthing unclaimed lottery prizes, or something a little bit edgy and perhaps dangerous. But no. All that you get is a boring, out of date list.

But there is a serious point here. When you are not working and money is tight it’s very easy to grasp at straws. Whether it’s to take out a loan at exorbitant rates of interest, or get sucked into something illegal, or to offer yourself as bait to scammers. It’s easy to do things you wouldn’t dream of doing when you are working.

Unemployment is insidious. It can destroy families and lives. And the only way to make sure it doesn’t is to stay positive, stay motivated and remain buoyant. I know it’s easier said than done. But if you can’t work at a job, work on yourself. It’s the surest route back into work, and there’s plenty of help out there.

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