Wednesday 29 December 2010

Healthy Eating Can Boost Your Job Search

A research paper published by the USA National Bureau of Economic Research suggests that unemployment tends to lead to a less healthy diet. This is not surprising news, when money is tight people tend to live more cheaply and it is very often less expensive to buy ready made junk food than to cook a fresh meal.

But cost is not the only reason why unemployed people tend to eat less healthily. Unemployment is demotivating. It is hard to remain buoyant after suffering a series of rejections: losing a job, not finding enough new opportunities, not hearing back after submitting job applications and then not succeeding when we do get an interview.

When we are demotivated we do not try as hard, at anything. Including preparation of food. Far easier to consume junk food than cook a healthy meal. Demotivation is as big a cause of unhealthy eating amongst the unemployed as is lack of money.

Demotivation also impacts on the quality of our job search. We just don’t try so hard. Which is why it is so important for job seekers to stay buoyant. Living a positive lifestyle can spark up our job search. Taking the trouble to source and cook a good meal can make us feel more positive in all aspects of our life. It isn’t easy, but being motivated is more than half the battle in getting a new job. Improving the quality of our diet is a good way of staying on top of things. However hard it may seem.

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